Getting there in Italian

Words that name places and things to do with going on holiday in Italian
Italian topic: Getting there, picture of il treno
il treno
Italian topic: Getting there, picture of il pullman
il pullman
Italian topic: Getting there, picture of l’auto
Italian topic: Getting there, picture of l’aereo
Italian topic: Getting there, picture of l’agenzia di viaggi
l’agenzia di viaggi
Italian topic: Getting there, picture of gli arrivi
gli arrivi
Italian topic: Getting there, picture of le partenze
le partenze
Italian topic: Getting there, picture of il passaporto
il passaporto
Italian topic: Getting there, picture of il bagaglio
il bagaglio
Italian topic: Getting there, picture of l’armadietto di sicurezza
l’armadietto di sicurezza
Italian topic: Getting there, picture of il binario
il binario
Italian topic: Getting there, picture of la sala d’attesa
la sala d’attesa
Italian topic: Getting there, picture of l’orario
Italian topic: Getting there, picture of il telefono pubblico
il telefono pubblico
Italian topic: Getting there, picture of il taxi
il taxi
Italian topic: Getting there, picture of l’ufficio informazioni turistiche
l’ufficio informazioni turistiche
Italian topic: Getting there, picture of la guida turistica
la guida turistica
Italian topic: Getting there, picture of la mappa
la mappa
Italian topic: Getting there, picture of l’agenzia di cambio
l’agenzia di cambio
Italian topic: Getting there, picture of la toilette
la toilette
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